
Lists are a great way of compiling files from different locations into one place, without the need to copy or move anything.

Create a List

Step 1: Touch the app menu icon in the top-left corner.

Step 2: In the app menu, scroll down and touch the “Lists” option.

Step 3: From the Lists window touch the Create List icon.

Step 4: Enter the name of the List and touch the “Create” button.

Your List will now be created.

Adding Files/Folders to a List

Step 1: Touch the action menu icon of the file/folder that you want to add to a List.

Step 2: From the action menu, touch the “Add To List” option.

Step 3: Touch the List(s) you want to add the file/folder to and then click the save icon in the top-right corner.

The file/folder will now be added to the List.